Dzięki pomocy naszego eksperta finansowego zaoszczędzisz czas i pieniądze. Nasz partner przygotuje dla Ciebie porównanie ofert wszystkich banków w jednym miejscu i terminie.
Pomoże wybrać najkorzystniejszą ofertę dopasowaną do Twoich potrzeb i oczekiwań. Wynegocjuje dla Ciebie najlepsze warunki kredytu i przygotuje niezbędne dokumentacje i wnioski kredytowe do banków.
We have been involved in development activities for almost 10 years. We follow new trends, both in terms of residential architecture,
as well as commercial. The best confirmation of competence and experience in this area is our portfolio - bold development projects completed, among others: in Kołobrzeg, Rogów, Poznań.
Comfortable apartments, investment apartments
and service premises
Comfortable apartments in prestigious locations are the answer to the needs of the modern real estate market. At MJ Deweloper, priority is given to advanced technologies in construction, which fit into the concept of energy-efficient apartments. These are properties that provide unrivaled comfort of use and high functionality at the same time.
Vision, innovation, consistency
We want to provide our clients with the highest level of services, which is why each investment takes into account the accompanying infrastructure in detail. This aspect of the project is particularly important when building new housing estates and industrial parks, because it provides comfortable living and development conditions, as well as a sense of security.